Placements in IT
companies like TCS, WIPRO, INFOSYS, ACCENTURE needs a different strategy for
selection. It’s not like the end-semester exams where one can mug in the last
night to crack it. The selection procedure mainly divided into parts rather
than a single exam. The rounds that are mainly involved are aptitude test,
technical test, technical interview, group discussions, mr round and the hr interview.
It depends from company to company that which rounds are involved in the
selection process.
In an IT sector it
hardly matters the college reputation for companies, if you know the things
well chances are more that you will be placed. The things that you should keep
in minds for the next session placement activities is that your hard work
,caliber , passion can easily fetch you a top job irrespective of visits of
companies in your college.
So how you started for
preparing the placement activities plays a very important role in cracking any
interview , so keep the things in mind I am going to tell you and follow them ,
I am sure success will be yours –

The summer training
project is the first encounter with you to the project world; try to design the
css, html and templates by yourself. It helps you in the creativity of your mind
in the designing activities. Insert all the functionalities of the project from
programming language to work it in a fully functional project. Disturb your instructor
as much as you can to get the experience and knowledge from them. Clear your
all doubts here before making into the next semester classes. Finish the project,
make a file, and add certain things inside the notes which will help you to
cover questions in interview like-
Tell me something about your project work?
What you have learned from your summer training?
How did you collect requirements for a
Write some codes (they will give you)
from the project – basically from database connectivity and functions.
Languages - In terms of programming languages C is the first language to concentrate
the best book , believe me once you start preparing from it c language will not
be horror for you . It’s the structural language so you must clear your
concepts of function, methods, data types, output problems. you can strong your
logics for the programs like prime , Armstrong , random , star pattern easily
from here , there are lot of exercises are waiting for you, after spending time
move to c++ brush up your oops concept and then stick with the language you did
your summer project.
For tips about
programming you can learn from here-
Data structure
- Sorting, searching, insertion, deletions algorithms are important, you cannot
understand the everything in a day but you can use Wikipedia, datastrucure by
yashwant kanetkar, core man to understand about the basic concepts and believe
me focus on the basics only.
Operating systems- Basic
concepts of memory, input output processing, paging, deadlocks are important
just one book can make you succeed in it and that is Galvin.
Database management
-system Queries, Normalization, Acid properties, basic concepts are important
and the source is all Wikipedia, it’s better to learn from the internet
regarding queries and normalization than to follow any book.
The above three subjects
are enough to crack any interview but if you love to study
Computer networks
- Ip , osi model , basic concepts about seven layers , protocols basic (udp ,
tcp , ip e.t.c)
you can learn from
frouzon , it’s all written there in a very simple language.
Software engineering
- Testing , software development models , seven steps involved in developing
any software , requirement specifications e.t.c. , you can get all the details
from punkaj jalote.
Math’s – for this section I will suggest you –how to
crack quant in cat by Arun Sharma level 1 ,2 exercise , nothing extra asks
other than this.
– For reasoning prepare from GRE BARRONS
and Arun Sharma (reasoning) book, gre Barron will also help you in your English
- Online material + practice test of IELTS + TOEFL
M4MATHS.COM can help you
in Practice papers and interview questions while can help in subject papers and
other skills.
For the interview experiences
you can visit my two successful attempts-
Prepare well for the
core technical knowledge , I will update you about soft skills soon-
Like us on facebook page for
further updates regarding resume tips, GD tips, Interview tips stay tuned
for any query feel free to ask